200 hours Yoga TTC students
enjoying at bali
happy student
yoga at Bali
yoga at Bali
yoga at Bali
yoga at Bali
yoga at Bali
yoga at Bali

Paradise for Yogis- Bali is a mesmerising destination for spiritual growth and offers facilities for vegetarians in this serene environment. This 100 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Bali is aimed towards beginners and intermediate students, ushering in an advent to personal transformation. The program is set in the beautiful landscape of Bali, offering a beautiful blend of traditional yoga teachings combined with modern techniques. Right from the foundations of Ashtanga vinyasa, moving on to the benefits of a healing hatha yoga course, this course becomes a perfect entry point to deepen your practice or start a career as a teacher.

This paradise land with calming energy, lush greenery, and vibrant yoga would become the best destination for personal and professional growth; with such surroundings of beautiful rice fields, pristine beaches, and spiritual culture, it offers an immersing ambience to impart yoga teacher training course at this point. Some parts of the training will teach about the richness of yoga in addition to exploring such parts of Bali.

Why Choose Bali for Yoga Teacher Training?

Widely recognised as the Island of the Gods, Bali is the perfect venue for the most sought-after yoga teacher training in the world. The beautiful nature combined with the ambience that speaks spiritual scenery makes learning and self-discovery a perfect blend for yoga training Bali. Our yoga teacher training trips will bring you into the spine of yoga with pure beaches, mountain ranges, and a local culture vibrant and lively.

For Bali serves as a unique energy that forms the soil for growth and introspection. This is where you get your yoga, but this is also where you actually embrace the holistic lifestyle. Here you will find a living and thriving community of yogis and wellness enthusiasts, making Bali one of the most attractive destinations in the world to learn and network using yoga. Additionally, it is one of the less expensive islands, meaning those with limited budgets can enjoy high quality.

What does the course fees include?

Accommodation (Private or Shared)

Pickup from Airport

100% Veg 3 Meals a Day

8 Hours Classes a Day

Multi-style Asanas

Study Materials

Yoga Alliance Certificate

Free Wi-Fi

24*7 Mineral Water

What is not included in the course fees?



    Personal expenses

    Laundry bill

    Excursion Activities

    Medical Expense

Benefits of the 100 Hour Yoga TTC in Bali

Participating in a yoga teacher training (Yoga TTC) program in Bali has so many benefits. It helps deepen the understanding of yoga, enhance physical fitness, and improve mental clarity. It also serves as an opportunity to make friendships and professional networks with like-minded people for life.

Further to that, the training prepares students to lead classes and workshops with confidence. While most people take up the course purely for personal development, discipline gained from it will benefit every aspect of your life, even if you have no intention of teaching. With Bali added it becomes even more transformational.

Ashtanga Yoga Course: A Dive into Dynamic Practice

The Ashtanga Yoga Bali course contained in this program makes students acquainted with dynamic practice, leading them through a structured approach toward asanas. Each class commences with Sun Salutations, followed by standing sequences, then on to seated and finishing sequences. It's a methodology that builds strength, flexibility, and mental resilience.

Our experienced teachers guide students through every step with alignment and breathing techniques. Practicing Ashtanga yoga in the fresh green environment in Bali adds more meditative quality to the art and helps students become closer to their inner selves.

Program Highlights: Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and Hatha Yoga

Our training program offers special emphasis on Ashtanga vinyasa yoga and hatha yoga, which offers both kinds of yoga, dynamic and healing. Ashtanga vinyasa yoga, a very intensive yet well-structured series of movements and postures, helps build strength, flexibility, and concentration. Participants will come to learn this practice by familiarising themselves with its fundamentals, including proper alignment, breath technique, and transitions between positions.

Both hatha yoga and ashtanga have their slow movement and long-held postures, thus affecting freedom and mental clarity, and making this combination a full-rounded experience. It is meant to leave both the theory and application of either or both practices at the end of the program.

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yoga ttc in bali
yoga ttc in bali
yoga ttc in bali
yoga ttc in bali
yoga ttc in bali
yoga ttc in bali
yoga ttc in bali
yoga ttc in bali

The Curriculum: Comprehensive and Structured

The curriculum of 100 hours of yoga teacher training in Bali is well planned to make a thorough learning experience. In addition to asanas, pranayama, meditation, philosophy, and anatomy, it also includes the art of teaching, structuring classes, and how to adjust asanas.

Daily schedules are planned, which start with morning meditation and end with an evening session of reflection. This is to maintain a seamless flow of learning, practising, and unwinding. With the practical workshops and peer-teaching sessions to prepare the students for future teaching scenarios, this is definitely a yoga teacher training program to experience in Bali.

12 Days Yoga Bali: A Journey Beyond Asanas

While this program has been formulated such that it admits students for three weeks with a 100 hours yoga TTC, the transformative effects during the times in the program do go beyond the 12 days spent in Bali. Each day brings fresh chances for daily engagement, not only in physical postures but also in the study and understanding of yoga from its other philosophical and spiritual aspects.

Moving from the morning meditation session to the evening reflections, students are encouraged to be deeply connected with their practice. Although the days are short for the 100 hours TTC still you will definitely learn a lot in these few days that you will always remember. This course will give you a gist if you are actually interested in it or not. If you find your side of interest then you can continue with other courses for your career opportunities or personal requirements. This course is really about creating that regimented self-awareness and discipline in three weeks as a life-changing journey.

Sample Daily Schedule

Course Sample Daily Schedule
Time Schedule
5:30 Am Morning Bell
6:30 -6:45 Am Morning Tea
7:00- 7:30 Am Shatkarma & Pranayama
7:30-9:00 Am Hatha/Vinyasa flow
9:15 -9:45 Am Breakfast
10:00 -11:00 Am Yoga Philosophy
11:00- 12:30 Pm Alignment- Adjustment- Methodology
12:45- 01:15 Pm Lunch
2:45- 3:45 Pm Anatomy & Physiology
4:00- 5:30 Pm Ashtanga Yoga
6:00- 7:00 Pm Meditation & Mantra chanting
7:15- 8:00 Pm Dinner
10:00 pm Lights off

Course Syllabus

Ashtanga yoga primary series sequence made by K. pattabhi jois, In 100 hours yoga TTC we teach our students basics of Ashtanga yoga and we guide them through the completely Ashtanga yoga series in a systematically way according to the ashtanga yoga tradition which includes :-

  • Sun salutation A
  • Sun salutation B
  • Standing sequence postures
  • Seated sequence postures
  • Finishing sequence postures
  • Mysore style/ use of yoga props/ Teaching practice
  • On 1st week - introduction to Ashtanga yoga followed by Sun salutation A & B.

    On 2 nd week – Standing sequence postures & use of yoga props.

    On 3 rd week – Seated sequence postures & Finishing sequence postures.

    On 4 th week – Mysore style & Teaching practice.

  • Jnana mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Yoni mudra
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Shambhavi mudra
  • Nasikagra
  • Khechari
  • Preparation
  • Uddiyana
  • Jalandhar
  • Mula & Maha Bandha
  • Teaching
  • Doubts
  • Rubber-neti
  • Jalaneti
  • Kapalbhati- cleansing the lungs
  • 1 st week Pawanmuktasana series A
  • Surya Namaskar ( Hatha)
  • Virbhadrasana A & B
  • Utthita Trikona asana
  • Parvakonasana
  • Parivritta parsvakonasana
  • Parivritta trikonasana
  • parsvaottanasana
  • Sitting postures –
  • Bhardwaj asana
  • Merudanda vakrasana
  • Ardha matsendrasana
  • Ardha ustrasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Ardha salbasana
  • Paschimottasana
  • Janusirsasana
  • purvottansana
  • pawan muktasana series B

  • 2 nd week
  • Pawan muktasana C / A
  • Surya namaskar B
  • Trikonasana
  • Parsvakonasana
  • Virbhadrasana A
  • Virbhadrasana B
  • Ardha chandrasana
  • Virbhadrasana C
  • Utthita hasta padangusthasana A/ B
  • Natrajasana
  • Vriksasana
  • Garudasana
  • Sitting Postures-
  • Marichyasana A
  • Marichyasana B
  • Marichyasana C
  • Back bending postures-
  • Ustrasana
  • Rajkapottasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Chakrasana
  • Setubandhasana
  • Forward fold-
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Janu sirsasana
  • Triangmukha ekapada paschimotanasana
  • Gatyamal paschimotanasana
  • Purvottanasana
  • Inversions-
  • Sarvagasana
  • Core exercises

  • WeeK 3 rd
  • Sun salutation A/ B/ C (Hatha yoga)
  • Moon salutation
  • Teaching methods & Sequencing
  • Virbhadrasana A & B
  • Trikonasana
  • Parivrtta Trikonasana
  • Parsvakonasana
  • Parivrittaparsvakonasana
  • Arm-balancing –
  • Bakasana
  • Mayurasana
  • Eka padabaka dhyanasana
  • Parsva bakasana
  • Dwi hasta bhujasana
  • Hamasana
  • Vashisthasana
  • Vrischikasana
  • Kaundilyasana
  • Astavakrasana
  • Inversions –
  • Sarvangasana
  • Sirsasana
  • Halasana
  • Karnapidasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Leg stretching
  • Savasana

  • 4 th week
  • Teachings
  • Doubts

  • Meditation ( 1st Semester)
  • Introduction to meditation
  • Guided Meditation
  • Breathing Awareness Meditation
  • Om / Mantra Meditation
  • Trataka
  • Dynamic meditation
  • Tips for developing concentration Silence Practice
  • Ajapa japa
  • Antar mouna
  • Basic Relaxation
  • Tension Relaxation
  • Full Body Relaxation
  • Digestive System
  • Respiratory System
  • Circulatory System
  • Nervous System
  • Endocrine System
  • Organs Bodily systems
  • Nadis
  • Chakras
  • Muscular System
  • Skeletal Sytem
  • Muscle Functions according to Joint Movements
  • Breathing
  • Inversions
  • Svasana
  • Introduction to yoga ,
  • its philosophy and evolution
  • Introduction to yoga sutras of patanjali
  • Definition of yoga
  • 4 aspects of mind and its functions
  • Daily Schedule of a yoga student
  • Principles of 5 Basic element & 10 Senses
  • Yama , Niyama (4 days)
  • Asana , Pranayama & Pratyahara , Dharana , Dhyan , Samadhi (2 Days)
  • Pancha – Vayus
  • Panchakoshas
  • Sattva , Rajas & Tamas (Triguna)
  • Introduction to chakras and its functions
  • Three Doshas
  • 4 padas of yoga sutras
  • Lives of yogis (Inspiring stories)
  • Diet & Nutrition for a yogi
  • Question & Answers
  • Introduction of Pranayama
  • Benefits of pranayama
  • General guidelines
  • Clavicular
  • Thorocic and Diaphragmatic Breathing (Yogic Breathing)
  • Ujjayi
  • Bhastrika
  • Kapalbhati
  • Nadi – Sodhana
  • Bhramari
  • Surya – Bhedi & Chandra – Bhedi Sheetali & Sheetkari
  • Easy pose
  • Half-lotus
  • Swastikasana
  • siddha yoni asana
  • JOm Asato Maa Sadgamaya (Mantra from Upanishad)
  • Tvameva mata ca pita Tvameva (Sloka on gods)
  • Om Tryambakam Yajamahe ( Mantra on lord shiva)
  • Om sahana vavatu ( Mantra from Upanishad)
  • Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo maheshwara ( Guru stotram)
  • Yogena Cittasya ( Sloka on sage Patanjali)
  • Hare rama, Hare Krishna ( Maha mantra)
  • Positive & conscious communication Friendship and trust
  • Time management
  • Qualities of a teacher
  • Principles of demonstrating, observation,
  • assisting,
  • correcting
  • Use of voice in class
  • Mental & emotional preparation for teaching
  • Class preparation
  • Step by step class structure planning.
  • Demonstration
  • Alignment
  • Instructions
  • Written Test
  • Asana Practical Test
  • Attendance
  • Performance
  • Behaviour
  • What Makes This Training the Best Yoga Teacher Training in Bali?

    Our program features an extensive curriculum, and well-reputed instructors, and is located in a perfect setting. The combination of Ashtanga vinyasa yoga teacher training and hatha yoga attains a holistic practice at any level. The environment, while nourishing as it is, immerses in Bali's peaceful surroundings as an open platform for improvements.

    In addition, the presence of a supportive community and student-centred learning from the instructors enhance the experience of learning. No matter if you are here to deepen your practice or for the first time as a teacher, our 300 Yoga Teacher Training Bali training in Bali will offer what you have envisioned.

    Enroll Now and Start Your Journey!

    This is truly ideal just for you: the 100 hour yoga school teacher training course in Bali for all the best out there looking for the best 200 yoga teacher training Bali. Whether becoming a teacher or just wanting to deepen your practice, this program has everything one needs to succeed in teacher training only with its combination of original traditions with some of the more modernised methods.

    Teach us Bali and start now on the journey towards your yogic evolution. Discover the real magic in yoga and what it can do for you in conjunction with a network of like-minded individuals as you sink yourself into what is known as an island paradise. Sign up now and experience a program not just 'training', but an unforgettable life experience.

    Upcoming Dates 2024

    Upcoming Dates

    • 1st Aug to 21 Aug 2024
      Seats: 5 left
    • 1st Sep to 21 Sep 2024
      Seats: 8 left
    • 1st Oct to 21 Oct 2024
      Seats: 8 left
    • 1st Nov to 21 Nov 2024
      Seats: 8 left
    • 1st Dec to 21 Dec 2024
      Seats: 8 left
    • 1st Jan to 21 Jan 2025
      Seats: 8 left

    21 Days 100-Hour Holistic Yoga Teacher Training Course, Bali - Fee :

    Shared Room
    $1000 USD $800 USD
    Private Room
    $1400 USD $1150 USD

    Don't miss out on our Early Bird Discount Sale!

    Book Now

    If you have any question to ask,you can contact us via -

    Email : yashyogaschool@gmail.com
    Whatsapp : +91-9999223473 Send Inquiry

    Accommodation and Facilities We Offer

    Embracing the culture of better and effective learning, we at Bali Yoga School provide an atmosphere that is definitely nurturing for students who want to learn. Accommodation is a balanced combination of traditional Balinese architecture and modern amenities. A quiet green background serves as a boundary between this space and the outside world, which deals with relaxation-focused learning.

    The school boasts the latest yoga studios, meditation halls, and recreational areas for students. Nutritious vegetarian meals contribute to a training life, ensuring both physical and mental well-being throughout the course. Staying with us is part of the immersion experience because it lays the groundwork for deep learning.

    This would allow them to flourish in their learning: a very nurturing environment. The accommodation is a well-balanced blend of modern amenities and traditional Balinese architecture. The space has an outside world boundary surrounded by green and peaceful settings for relaxation-focused learning.

    State-of-the-art yoga studios, meditation halls, and recreational areas await every student. During the course, students should expect well-nourished vegetarian meals meant to support the yogic lifestyle for their physical and mental well-being. Immersing oneself in the center is one of the events that constitute the very foundation of deep learning.

    Food & accommodation

    yogic food

    Yogic Food :

    Yogic food is a type of diet that is based on the principles of yoga. It is typically high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in processed foods, refined sugar, and animal products. Yogic food is believed to promote physical and mental health, and to help to balance the mind, body, and spirit.

    • Vegetarian / Sattvic
    • Vegan
    • Gluten Free
    • Organic
    • Raw
    • Other dietary requirements on request

    Accommodation :

    The school is situated in the mountains of Bali, it has a yoga studio, dining area, chill out zones, beautiful rooftop, and free Wi-Fi. The local market is 300 to 400 meters far from the yoga school. Yash Yoga offers private and shared room according to the student’s requirement.

    • Clean bed sheets
    • pillows
    • bath towels
    • toilet paper
    • blankets
    • Free Wi-Fi

    all these necessities will be provided to the students.

    200 Hours YTTC - Bali Accommodation accommodation for yoga ttc in bali


    Bali is a beautiful island in Indonesia. It has pretty landscapes with rice fields, tall mountains, and nice beaches. People like to visit Bali for adventure, relaxation, and to learn about its culture. You can see temples, traditional dances, and go to wellness places. Bali is special because it mixes old traditions and new things,

    beach at bali

    Bali Beach

    balinese temple

    Explore Bali

    monkey temple bali

    Balinese Temple

    Yashyoga Property

    About The yoga Guru's

    We have some of the most experienced and knowledgeable in the world. They have dedicated their lives to the study and practice of yoga, and they are passionate about sharing their knowledge with others.


    yoga student pic

    Lulu Boushahri

    Batch: August 2017 / 100-HRS YTTC

    This is the best Yoga School in Bali. I came in August 2017 for two weeks to complete 100 hours. I loved it so much that I came back 3 months later in November to complete the course. My main reason for coming back to this school is the teachers, the chef and the whole family. They are some of the best people I have ever met, extremely knowledgeable, welcoming & kind. You feel right at home, spacious rooms with your own bathroom, the best meals cooked three times a day, the food is SO good, and lovely views all around you. I highly recommend this school, it can be overwhelming choosing a Yoga School but this is definitely the right choice. Thank you to all the teachers for teaching me so much."

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    yoga student pic


    Batch: January 2022 / 100-HRS YTTC

    "Yash Yoga is not just a school that opens the door to the long fireplace of the marvelous philosophy of life that is yoga ... and also a great school of life, humility, respect, sharing and especially love. Every single person who is part of the wonderful staff of this school helps to make you unforgettable every single day. Teachers are prepared, professional, kind, helpful with students, and very ironic and this helps to tackle the lessons with serenity and lightness. "

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    yoga student pic


    Batch: December 2020 / 100-HRS YTTC

    "My experience at Yash Yoga was nothing short of amazing. I wanted to come to a place where I could deepen my practice, my understanding of yoga in all aspects (philosophy, asana, anatomy, etc) increase my self-discipline and be both supported and inspired. I received all this (and more) at Yash Yoga. The teachers are experienced, very knowledgeable, dedicated, compassionate, fun-loving and happy!"

    Read More

    Recommended Books

    Rules for Students:

    Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the school. If you are having a fast any day, you have to inform kitchen manager for avoiding food waste. Always make discipline, respect teachers and follow all rules. Always be in the time, you are late means will not be permitted to join class.

    Clear your books of account before departure from Yash Yoga. Before departure return your books, maps or any goods which you borrowed. Yash Yoga provides accommodation for a student who join the yoga course. So any friends or relatives will not be included in accommodation however they can stay in school by renting another room. Student have to be present in all scheduled program of Yash Yoga.

    Refund Policy

    An advance of a course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules. If student cancel the course after joining it, we accept cancellation but course fees will not be refund in cancellation. There is no charge of course cancellation. Student just has to inform by email.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

      Yoga teacher training in Bali is usually 21–30 days for a 200-hour certification. Short courses, such as 100 hour training, run typically for 12–14 days. Such programs are designed to immerse learners into peaceful surroundings, blending yoga practice with the culture of spirit and soul, unique to Bali.

      A 100 hour yoga course Bali is eligible for Yoga Alliance certification, provided it is taught by a registered yoga school (RYS). This is a foundational course, although official recognition as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) requires completing a 200-hour program.

      Most introductory yoga teacher trainings do not require prior experience, but knowing some basic yoga poses and regular practice can deepen your understanding and experience while on the training.

      Bali is famous for yoga, due to its peaceful landscapes, spiritual atmosphere, and rich cultural heritage. The island boasts an abundance of yoga retreats and studios with wide styles, making it a global destination for yoga and wellness fans.

      A tranquil environment, luxuriant nature, and deeply spiritual vibe make Bali a perfect place to take part in self-discovery and holistic wellness. Their warm community, nutritious cuisine, and healing therapies prove to be a haven for rejuvenation and personal growth.

      The best yoga certificate will depend on your goals. A well-known 200-hour program Yoga Alliance certified is widely recognised and best for teaching candidates. Specialised certifications like Hatha, Ashtanga or Kundalini yoga further enhance the credentials.

      Yoga Alliance-recognized courses are valid across the globe. Teachers working globally work under these certificates. Other notable certificates include the International Yoga Federation and the British Wheel of Yoga.

      Yes, even 20 minutes of daily yoga can bring flexibility improvements and a reduction in stress with accompanying mental clarity, too. Consistency helps improve long-term benefits for both body and mind.

      Yoga and gym workouts serve different purposes. Yoga improves flexibility, mental clarity, and holistic wellness, while the gym focuses on strength and cardiovascular fitness. Choosing depends on your personal fitness goals.

      Yes, practicing yoga twice a day is safe and can enhance benefits like improved flexibility, stress reduction, and energy balance. Ensure you listen to your body and avoid overexertion.

      That's India, with Rishikesh as its epicentre. The place is famously known as the "Yoga Capital of the World," and practitioners from across the world come here to learn authentic yoga traditions.